One man changed the culture everywhere he went for nearly 3 1/2 years. It really didn’t matter if he was in a boat on the Sea of Galilee or on a mountain side with a couple thousand hungry people. From speaking peace to storms to multiplying fishes and loaves, Jesus brought the culture of the Kingdom with him everywhere He went!

While seeking rest within the home of Peter in Capernaum Jesus encountered Peter’s mother-in-law lying sick with a fever. I would say the atmosphere within Peter’s house changed quickly once Jesus brought the culture of heaven to Peter’s home. I would say the atmosphere in Bethany changed as well when Jesus brought life to Lazarus’s dead body after it had laid in a tomb for four days, again enforcing the culture of His Kingdom!

Here’s my point, men pressed into the Kingdom (saved, born again, redeemed) where the culture of heaven was being manifested. I truly believe soul winning will come with little or no effort where the culture of the Kingdom is being manifested. If it worked for Jesus it will work for us today. Take some time and consider the culture of heaven. What is it like? Is there love, grace, mercy, forgiveness? Is there limits, doubt, unbelief, or unforgiveness?
As we begin to manifest the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven in our daily lives, I truly believe we will see the harvest press into the Kingdom!
LUKE 16:16 The law and prophets were until John, since that time the Kingdom of God is preached and every man presses into it!