Have you ever wondered why Jesus waited to come to Earth until He did? Why did He wait to crush the head of the serpent nearly 4,000 years after the fall of man? I am not sure I have all the answers to the timing of God, but I do have something for you to consider.
The Roman Empire was the most successful Kingdom the world has ever seen. There is one thing that contributed to the Romans’ success and gave them an advantage over all the kingdoms before them. Prior to the Romans, other kingdoms would conquer a nation or weaker kingdom and they would kill their strong men while taking all the young men and women back to their kingdom to serve as slaves. Of course they would take the spoil back with them as well. The Romans however would conquer a land and convert the entire population into Roman citizens. The Roman Empire stretched from Africa to Scotland and each of their colonies looked like Rome. Herein lies the difference: the Romans would colonize.
Jesus was born in a colony of Rome. Have you ever considered that before? It was by no mistake that Jesus came to the earth when He did because the Romans were actually using God’s original intent for Earth. Earth was to be a colony of heaven and Jesus’ message resonated in the hearts of people because they could conceptualize His teaching. There was not any room for misconception when Jesus said: “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done in earth just as it is in heaven.” Colonization is the heart of this statement. We are to colonize the earth with the culture of heaven!
I truly believe if Jesus would have come prior to the divine date of his arrival, there would have been misconceptions of His teachings. There is certainly more to come on this teaching.